Founding partner David Lacher served as a member of the Board of the New Rochelle Industrial Development Agency for 12 years. During that time, he evaluated and reviewed numerous projects of varying scope which ultimately received IDA benefits, including abatement of sales taxes for construction materials, abatement of New York State mortgage recording tax on the financing of the development, and payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS) which provided significant property tax reductions for the developers of those projects.
In his capacity as counsel for developer groups, Mr. Lacher successfully navigated a call center project through the maze of local approvals in College Station, Texas, and brought a project for workforce condominium housing to the brink of final approval in New Rochelle, NY before being voted down by the City Council for political reasons.
The firm is able to assist developer clients through all required zoning, economic and environmental review stages of the project.
Contact the Law Office of David Lacher
To schedule an appointment with an attorney, contact the firm online or call 914.355.5900.